Abong Rinpoche has kindly accepted the request of students to resume teachings. However, due to COVID-19, these teachings will be held online via Zoom
Rinpoche is teaching from volume 3 of The Lam Rim Chenmo, Lama Tsongkhapa's great text, considered to be the definitive teachings on the path to enlightenment.
Teachings, which begin with prayers, meditation, and setting intentions are in Tibetan with English translation.
Previous Teachings and events are also posted to the Joyous Path YouTube channel, Facebook page, and website:
We live stream teachings and events whenever possible. So please consider signing up for notifications from Joyous Path Facebook page and/or Youtube Channel.
Teachings, which begin with prayers, meditation, and setting intentions are in Tibetan with English translation.
Previous Teachings and events are also posted to the Joyous Path YouTube channel, Facebook page, and website:
We live stream teachings and events whenever possible. So please consider signing up for notifications from Joyous Path Facebook page and/or Youtube Channel.
October 2023 Dates:
October 1st: 4:00 PM CST
October 8th: No Class
October 15th: 4:00 PM CST
October 22nd: 4:00 PM CST
October 29th: 4:00 PM CST
Teaching Location:
Join Zoom Meeting (recurring link):
Guidelines for attending online teachings:
If you plan to attend future teachings on Zoom, we kindly ask that you keep these guidelines in mind
Join Early
- Zoom meeting access opens at 3:40pm (20 minutes before class). We ask that you please try and sign into Zoom at least 10 minutes before class is scheduled to begin. This will ensure that the hosts and students are ready when Rinpoche arrives so we can begin on time. You're welcome to keep video/audio off during that time, or chat with fellow students.
- If you arrive late, please be aware that you may sit in the 'waiting room' for a few minutes until one of the hosts is able to let you in.
When Rinpoche Enters/Leaves the room
- The meeting host will let everyone know when Rinpoche is about to enter the room (at the start of class and the end of break). Out of respect for Rinpoche and to maximize our time, we kindly ask that you end conversations at that point, and turn your mic off. Similar to in-person teachings, you are welcome to greet Rinpoche with folded hands once he enters the room.
- At the end of class, you may unmute to thank Rinpoche and say good-bye to others. One of the hosts is usually available for a short time afterwards, if students want to socialize.
- To reduce feedback and other sound quality issues, please keep your mic off throughout both prayers and the teaching. If you are unmuted during this time (it happens!), one of the hosts will either request that you mute yourself, or do it for you.
Chat Function
- We request chat to be used sparingly. However, please feel free to use it for purposes such as private conversations with other students before class/ during break, providing links to relevant texts, or general questions/problems you encounter during the teaching. You can chat with 'everyone', privately with individuals, or the hosts.
- Although it's nice to see everyone's face, there's no requirement to have your camera on. Some find bandwidth problems are resolved with their camera off. Others might be attending from a less than conducive environment. If you do choose to have video on, please try to minimize background distractions, and have a source of light in front rather than behind you.
- There's no problem if you want to switch your video on/off in the middle of the teaching. However, frequently switching back and forth can be distracting to both students and the teacher.
General Zoom Etiquette
- Consider this a replica of attending teachings in person and follow basic etiquette, particularly when your camera is on (dress appropriately, avoid eating during teaching, try not to interrupt/distract the teacher, sit rather than lay down, etc).
- Group conversations are much different on Zoom than in person. Please be aware that only one person can speak at a time. Conversations can easily become one-sided and exclude others. Be mindful of the content of your conversation (everyone can hear you), whether there are others who may have something to say, and allow for a moment of silence between speakers due to delays. If you prefer to have a private conversation with someone, feel free to do so through the chat function.
Unfortunately, at this time, there's no formal opportunity for Q/A with Rinpoche. We will let you know if that changes in the future.